112 Self-Control Quotes That Can Change Your Life

Self-control is an important skill that allows us to overcome impulses and distractions to achieve our goals. Developing self-discipline and willpower enables us to make better choices that align with our values and priorities.
While just reading quotes may not magically grant you self-control, contemplating the ideas and perspectives in these sayings can provide motivation and insight into mastering self-discipline.
The selected quotes highlight the importance of self-control, the value in delaying gratification, and tips for exercising willpower and restraint. Focusing your mind, controlling your emotions, and sticking to habits that serve your higher aspirations are recurring themes.
Let the wisdom within these self-control quotes give you food for thought and a boost of inspiration to keep pursuing self-mastery, one day at a time.
Mastering Self Control Quotes

Self-control is not about denial but choosing your true desires over temporary cravings.
Rule your mind or it will rule you.
The mind unrestrained is a ship without an anchor, tossed aimlessly from one temptation to another.
Mastering self-control takes strength, courage and perseverance, but the rewards are serenity and self-mastery.
You have the power to reign in your impulses, the key is patience, discipline and focus.
Desires unfulfilled often gain strength over time, self-control allows you to steer them wisely to fruition.
He who reigns within himself, and rules passions, desires, and fears, is more than a king.
John Milton
True freedom comes not from chasing every desire, but from the self-restraint that allows you to live by your principles.
Like muscles, our willpower grows with training – set daily goals to strengthen your self-discipline.
The temptations of life are like the ocean’s waves – self-control allows you to remain upright and focused no matter how hard they crash over you.
Weakness of will is human, strength of will is divine – with practice we can cultivate our self-mastery.
Lack Of Self Control Quotes

A life without restraint is a boat drifting aimlessly at sea, with no anchor and no direction.
He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Indulging every desire may seem freeing, but you soon become enslaved to your cravings and lose sight of your true self.
Like a garden untended, the mind without self-control grows wild with harmful impulses and unrestrained emotions.
Without self-discipline, we speak harsh words we later regret and make foolish choices that hurt ourselves and others.
The temptations of life constantly test our willpower – fail too often and you will lose control of your desires and yourself.
He who angers you conquers you.
Elizabeth Kenny
A rudderless ship is at the mercy of the winds and waves, just as an undisciplined mind is ruled by its fleeting impulses.
If you cannot hold fast to your resolutions, you have lost command of your will and ceded authority over your life.
Repeatedly giving in to temptation trains us to take the easy path – a habit that leads to a life controlled by cravings not values.
Desires uncontrolled and indulged turn into demanding tyrants – resist and reign over them before it is too late.
The undisciplined mind knows not where it is headed, nor what is best, easily sacrificed long-term gain for short-term gratification.
Self-Control Quotes For Students

Self-control and focus in your studies today will make your dreams for tomorrow a reality.
Don’t let distractions and procrastination steer you off course – harness self-discipline to reach your academic goals.
What we do upon some great occasion will probably depend on what we already are, and what we are will be the result of previous years of self-discipline.
H.P. Liddon
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius
When tempted to quit studying, remember your aspirations and let them reignite your motivation and willpower.
The lessons and knowledge you gain now through discipline will be the seeds for your future success – study diligently.
Just as training strengthens your body, practicing self-control grows the muscle of your determination and resolve.
Tune out the digital noise, restrain your wandering mind, and immerse yourself fully in learning and self-improvement.
Don’t just follow your passions, let reason and self-control guide you in cultivating wisdom and skills for the future.
Make self-mastery your primary focus – when you conquer distraction and procrastination, academic achievement will follow.
Don’t let laziness and instant gratification sabotage your studies – practice delaying rewards to gain greater ones through diligence.
Self-Control Quotes About Food

Appetite uncontrolled is a wild beast that burdens your body and spirit – use wisdom to feed yourself properly.
The temptation to overindulge is always present at the table – master your cravings before they master you.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Virginia Woolf
Eating too much or too little at once upsets the balance of the body – exercise restraint to nourish yourself well.
When hunger clamors loudly, patience and moderation turn the meal into a feast – gorge and food loses its taste.
An unruly palate accustomed to excess brings much pain and disease – train yourself to be satisfied with modest portions.
Without limits and discipline, food consumed out of gluttony instead of need provides little sustenance or joy.
The body craves sweets and fats beyond what is required – with practice, reason can prevail over these impulses.
The wise eat not just to please the senses, but to achieve clarity, health and lasting energy.
One who gives in to each food desire is like a ship without a rudder, lost at sea.
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Self-control transforms eating from an indulgence into nourishment, uplifting both body and mind.
Short Self Control Quotes

Self-control is the key that opens the door to wisdom.
Discipline your mind. Master your body.
I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.
William Henley
Impulse resists. Self-control persists.
Restraint cultivated leads to peace unraveled.
Rule your desires before they rule you.
Patience, prudence – pillars of self-mastery.
The best fighter is never angry.
Lao Tzu
Command yourself and life obeys.
Self-control stands guard over thoughts and deeds.
Direct the ego – sail through life.
Restrain, refine, rise above.
Funny Quotes On Self Control

I’m trying to see how many marshmallows I can fit in my mouth. Self-control is overrated anyway.
Of course I need another cookie; I haven’t had one for 15 minutes already!
I’m swearing off temptation, starting tomorrow. Or maybe the day after that.
I’m watching my figure…watch it grow bigger as I eat all the snacks.
Patience is a virtue. Too bad I’m not feeling very virtuous right now.
Restraint schmestraint. I’ll start using self-control tomorrow.
I don’t always lose self-control, but when I do, I really make it count.
Don’t be curious of matters that don’t concern you; never speak of them, and don’t ask about them.
Teresa of Avila
Sure, I could say no to ice cream, but I’m no quitter.
I was going to eat healthy this week, but I decided my resolution needed more resolutions.
Self-control is overrated – I’d rather eat cake.
When you borrow trouble you give your peace of mind as security.
Myrtle Reed
Self-Control Quotes About Love

Unbridled passion burns quick and fades fast – with restraint love’s fire glows steadily for the long haul.
Love uncontrolled is a wild bird that refuses nurturing – patient discipline makes it blossom beautifully.
Keeping your head when emotions run high takes strength – use self-control to build bonds that last.
Any woman who is sure of her own wits, is a match, at any time, for a man who is not sure of his own temper.
Wilkie Collins
One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels.
Gustave Flaubert
With care and wisdom, turn infatuation into steadfast devotion – don’t let transient desire derail true love.
Exercise reason amidst strong feelings to avoid words you’ll regret – temper temper to keep careless tongues from striking love’s vital chord.
Intense attraction left unrestrained often ends in destruction – self-command saves affection from a tragic fate.
Love is holding back words better left unsaid in the heat of the moment – patience and care build bonds, neglect breaks them.
Let patience, empathy and compromise be the guiding lights when emotions flare – they will lead your heart safely through love’s rough seas.
Selfish pride and anger can capsize love’s boat – rule your emotions to sail smoothly together.
With understanding and self-control, turn passion’s spark into an enduring flame that lights your lives joyfully.
Inspirational Quotes On Self Control

Self-discipline is the jewel that turns ordinary pebbles into valuable gems – develop it and your potential shines luminously.
The heights of personal greatness are only reached through mastery of the self – conquer your weaknesses and ascend your personal summit.
The man who masters his own soul will forever be called the conqueror of conquerors.
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.
Tao Te Ching – Laozi
To achieve anything worthwhile requires traversing rocky terrain – self-control provides sturdy shoes and willpower, the limbs to climb mountains.
Rule your mind, and walk the path of wisdom – this is the road to transcendence.
With the reins of reason, guide your passions where they ought to go – only then can you harness their power to achieve your dreams.
Self-control is no prison, but the sturdy ship that safely navigates the turbulent waters of life.
Patience, discipline, moderation – wield these three and you hold the keys to personal liberation and success.
To master anything, you must first master yourself – subdue negative habits and cultivate excellence through self-regulation.
Self-conquest is true freedom – by overcoming impulses within you gain authority over your destiny.
Best Self Control Quotes

Supreme self-command conquers all – yield to reason over emotion for mastery in life.
Master your body as self-discipline is the path to achievement.
Such power there is in clear-eyed self-restraint.
James Russell Lowell
We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be a contest, and we must win.
Edward Gibbon
Fortune favors not the unprepared – forge your willpower daily through practice for destiny’s tests.
No lasting happiness exists without inner governance – command yourself and joy endures.
The undisciplined wave is but water… the disciplined wave, energy. Be water, my friend.
True success and liberation are the fruits of self-mastery – conquer thyself and claim your birthright.
By chains of habit man is bound and impaired – cast them off through self-regulation and fly unfettered.