115 Best Karma Quotes to Inspire Positivity in Your Life

Karma, the universal principle of cause and effect, weaves through the fabric of our lives, silently balancing the scales of justice in its own ineffable way. It’s a concept that transcends cultures, igniting conversations about moral consequence and spiritual accountability.
Each quote is a drop of insight into the ocean of life’s experiences, encouraging reflection, inspiring change, and invoking a deeper sense of awareness about the invisible threads that connect our choices to our destinies.
In this article, we delve into the profound wisdom of karma quotes—timeless words that offer a window into understanding how our actions reverberate through the cosmos.
Karma quotes for bad boss

A tyrant’s power is but an illusion; karma is the great equalizer, turning the tables with the currency of time.
In the ledger of karma, every act of arrogance is a debt to humility that must be paid.
A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode.
When a boss sows seeds of discord, karma ensures they reap a harvest of isolation.
The wheel of karma grinds slowly but exceedingly fine, especially for those who misuse their power over others.
A leader who plants thorns must remember that karma is a meticulous gardener.
Like gravity, karma is impartial, and under its law, the weight of mistreatment will always be a burden to the one who bears it.
A bad boss may climb the ladder quickly, but karma understands the integrity of the rungs.
Karma maintains a ledger, and in it, a bad boss’s deeds are debts that will come due with interest.
Attachment and aversion are the root cause of karma and karma originates from infatuation. Karma is the root cause of birth and death and these are said to be the source of misery. None can escape the effect of their own past karma.
The echo of unkindness from a leader returns as the thunder of karma’s justice.
In the empire of karma, every unfair command is a foundation stone for the fall of a misguided ruler.
Karma quotes on fake love

Karma doesn’t flinch at the masquerade of fake love; it waits to unmask the truth at the final dance.
Fake love is like a sandcastle; with the inevitable tide of karma, it will wash away, leaving the beach bare.
Regardless of what we do our karma has no hold on us.
Karma doesn’t judge, but it mirrors back the reflection of a heart’s true intent.
The seeds of insincere love never sprout, for karma tends the garden of genuine affection.
As a shadow follows form, karma follows fake love, waiting to cast light on the truth.
Fake love is a debt to the heart, and karma is an exacting creditor.
In the arithmetic of karma, fake love subtracts from joy, divides trust, and multiplies pain.
Just like the moon’s phases, fake love wanes, but karma remains, full and bright, illuminating truths
Karma has a long memory, especially when love is used as a disguise for deceit.
God has no resolve; no karma attaches itself to Him.
Ramana Maharshi
The illusion of love is a script that karma will not act in; it awaits the authentic story.
Karma quotes about life

Karma weaves the tapestry of life with threads of our choices, each stitch contributing to the grand design.
Life’s karmic journey is the ultimate teacher; every step is a lesson, every misstep, a chance for redemption.
Parents are one’s companions in life but not partakers of one’s karma.
Munshi Premchand
Karma is the earth upon which the tree of life grows, nurturing with the compost of past deeds.
The currency of karma is paid in the acts of life, with generosity yielding the richest returns.
In life’s garden, karma is the impartial gardener, nurturing seeds of good deeds into bountiful blooms.
Life’s karmic ledger never forgets, it’s a bookkeeper that counts not coins, but moments of kindness and cruelty.
Karma is the silent witness of life, it neither punishes nor rewards, but reflects our own doing.
Every life is a karmic puzzle, where each piece is a consequence waiting to find its rightful place.
One who previously made bad karma but who reforms and creates good karma brightens the world like the moon appearing from behind a cloud.
In the theatre of life, karma is not the director, but the stage that responds to the actor’s play.
Life dances to the rhythm of karma, where the music is composed by our own actions.
Karma quotes about revenge

Revenge is a storm that blows over quickly, but the calm of karma endures to restore balance.
Plotting revenge digs two graves; karma needs only to witness to ensure justice.
Don’t waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.
Revenge is the poison we drink, hoping the other will suffer; karma is the antidote that heals through time’s passage.
The seed of vengeance never blooms into peace; karma tends only the garden of forgiveness.
Revenge is a fire that consumes the soul, while karma is the water that quenches the thirst for true justice.
In the economy of karma, revenge is a currency that devalues the spirit.
Karma doesn’t shout, it whispers: revenge is not justice; it is an echo of the pain that caused it.
Seek not revenge, for karma is the most patient and just avenger.
He who desires revenge should dig two graves, for karma requires no shovel to balance the scales.
I am the owner of my karma. I inherit my karma. I am born of my karma. I am related to my karma. I live supported by my karma. Whatever karma I create whether good or evil that I shall inherit.
The wheel of karma turns, grinding the grains of revenge into the flour of wisdom.
Karma quotes about money
Money comes and goes, but karma invests in the currency of the heart.
Wealth amassed at the expense of others deposits poverty in the soul, karma’s true ledger.
Once you know the nature of anger and joy is empty and you let them go you free yourself from karma.
Karma is the accountant that audits without bias, where the wealth of character outweighs gold.
In the marketplace of life, karma values the commerce of compassion over the richest of coins.
The coins of kindness cast into the fountain of life return as the wealth of karma’s good grace.
Karma banks not on gold but on the golden deeds that enrich both giver and receiver.
To go from mortal to Buddha you have to put an end to karma nurture your awareness and accept what life brings.
In the economy of the universe, karma is the gold standard against which all currency is measured.
Spend your days earning the coin of kindness, for karma’s wealth is the only treasure that follows beyond.
Karma quotes about friendship
Friendship sown with sincerity is harvested as lifelong loyalty through karma’s nurturing hand.
Betray a friend, and you’ve written a check against your own karma, which always comes due.
A true friend’s worth is beyond measure, a currency karma holds in high esteem.
If a man does good let him keep doing it again and again. Let him set his heart on it. Happiness is the outcome of good conduct.
Karma doesn’t overlook the ledger of friendship, where every act of betrayal overdraws the account.
Karma circles in the orbit of friendship, ensuring that the love we give eventually returns to us.
In the garden of life, the flowers of true friendship outlast the weeds of deceit; karma is the gardener.
The echo of genuine friendship resounds through the valleys of karma, outliving the whispers of pretense.
A bond of trust, once broken, becomes a debt in the karmic ledger of friendship.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought; what we think we become.
Give the warmth of friendship freely; karma ensures it returns to you on colder days.
Friendships are the anchors in life’s storms, and karma rewards those who hold them fast.
Karma quotes about cheating
Cheating is the thief of joy, and karma is the lock that cannot be picked.
When you cheat in life’s exam, karma is the teacher that gives you the lesson again.
The shadow of cheating is long, and karma is the sun that sets it right
Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise the wise man gathering it little by little fills him with good.
Cheating marks the heart with invisible ink; karma reveals the truth under the light of time.
In the game of deceit, karma is the wildcard that reshuffles the deck.
To cheat is to pawn your soul for fool’s gold; karma is the broker who eventually claims its due.
The mirror of karma reflects all choices, and the smudges of dishonesty cannot be ignored.
Cheating is a debt against one’s own destiny, and karma is the collector that always comes calling.
The currency of cheating is counterfeit; karma spends only the gold of integrity.
To go from mortal to Buddha you have to put an end to karma nurture your awareness and accept what life brings.
In the court of karma, cheating is a case that is always lost, for the truth is the judge
Karma quotes about life lessons
Life teaches softly, and when we ignore its whisper, karma speaks with the voice of consequence.
The lessons we skip are repeated; karma is the relentless tutor.
Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap
Paul the Apostle
Each lesson in life is a brushstroke; karma is the artist that turns them into masterpieces.
The classroom of life grants no hall passes; karma ensures we all attend each lesson.
Life’s curriculum is designed by our choices, and karma grades the test of time.
Ignore life’s lessons, and karma will present them again, in a tougher grade.
Life etches lessons on the slate of our soul, and karma is the permanent chalk.
Before you act you have freedom but after you act the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. That is the law of karma.
Paramahansa Yogananda
The homework of life is assigned by our actions, and karma is the teacher who checks it thoroughly.
In the school of life, karma is not a punishment but a feedback loop, providing lessons for growth.
Karma cycle quotes
Karma spins like a wheel, and we are the spokes it turns upon.
The cycle of karma is the universe’s oldest rhythm, a dance to the music of actions and consequences.
Men are not punished for their sins but by them.
Kin Hubbard
In the circular narrative of existence, karma is the plot twist that ensures the story rights itself.
Karma cycles like seasons; each act a seed that will bloom in kind.
We ride the bicycle of life, pedaling choices that steer the wheels of karma.
The cycle of karma neither begins nor ends with us, but we are responsible for the parts we pedal.
Karma’s wheel turns with the gravity of our actions; every revolution a reflection of our deeds.
In the cyclical economy of karma, every investment of goodwill yields compounded interest.
The wheel of karma runs on the road of life, powered by the energy of our intentions.
Violence does in truth recoil upon the violent and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.
Arthur Conan Doyle
Karma’s cycle is self-propelled; what goes around the wheel comes around in the journey of life.