199+ Positive Affirmations For Anxiety Relief (Feel Calm & Peaceful)

Finding inner peace in a world brimming with stressors and uncertainties can be challenging, but the power of positive affirmations offers a beacon of hope. This article delves into the transformative role of positive affirmations in alleviating anxiety and fostering a sense of calm and serenity.

By integrating these affirmations into daily routines, individuals can rewire their thought patterns, replacing fear and worry with tranquility and positivity.

From understanding the psychology behind affirmations to practical tips for implementation, this piece is a guide for anyone seeking solace in the chaos of life and striving for a more peaceful, anxiety-free existence.

Short Positive Self-Affirmations For Anxiety

Short Positive Self-Affirmations For Anxiety

I am safe.

I am calm.

I am strong.

I am at peace.

I am resilient.

I am in control.

I am loved.

I am worthy.

I am confident.

I am capable.

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Affirmations For Social Anxiety

Affirmations For Social Anxiety

I am understood.

I am accepted.

I am interesting.

I am open.

I am worthy of friendship.

I am likable.

I am confident in groups.

I am at ease.

I am positive.

MORE: Mindfulness Practices Through Affirmations

Daily Morning Affirmations For Anxiety

Daily Morning Affirmations For Anxiety

I am starting today with peace.

I am filled with gratitude.

I am optimistic.

I am ready for today.

I am present.

I am courageous.

I am going to have a great day.

I am focused.

I am blessed.

I am joyful.

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Affirmations For Anxiety And Depression

Affirmations For Anxiety And Depression

I am healing.

I am not alone.

I am valuable.

I am finding joy.

I am progressing.

I am hopeful.

I am surrounded by love.

I am gaining strength.

I am deserving of happiness.

I am becoming more positive every day.

MORE: Peaceful Mind Affirmations

Positive Affirmations For Stress And Anxiety

Positive Affirmations For Stress And Anxiety

I am releasing stress.

I am in harmony.

I am finding calm.

I am overcoming anxiety.

I am tranquil.

I am relaxed.

I am serene.

I am letting go of worry.

I am balanced.

I am centered.

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Affirmations For Work Anxiety

Affirmations For Work Anxiety

I am competent.

I am skilled.

I am productive.

I am successful.

I am contributing value.

I am respected.

I am achieving my goals.

I am growing professionally.

I am confident in my abilities.

I am making a difference.

MORE: Empowering Strength-Building Affirmations

Positive Self-Worth Affirmations For Anxiety

Positive Self-Worth Affirmations For Anxiety

I am deserving of love.

I am worthy of respect.

I am important.

I am valuable just as I am.

I am enough.

I am deserving of good things.

I am proud of myself.

I am loving myself more every day.

I am a good person.

I am improving myself.

MORE: Uplifting Affirmations to Combat Depression

Christian Bible Affirmations For Anxiety

Christian Bible Affirmations For Anxiety

I am trusting in the Lord with all my heart.

I am casting all my anxieties on Him

I am strong and courageous.

I am shielded by God’s peace.

I am seeking peace and pursuing it.

I am loved by God unconditionally.

I am a child of God.

I am living by faith, not by sight.

I am blessed.

I am renewed by God’s word.

MORE: Self-Care and Wellness Affirmations

Peaceful And Calming Affirmations For Anxiety

Peaceful And Calming Affirmations For Anxiety

I am breathing in peace.

I am exhaling tension.

I am surrounded by tranquility.

I am absorbing serenity.

I am at ease.

I am in a state of grace.

I am living in the moment.

I am finding quiet.

I am enveloped in calm.

I am tranquility itself.

MORE: Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing Affirmations

Bedtime Sleep Affirmations For Anxiety

Bedtime Sleep Affirmations For Anxiety

I am releasing today.

I am embracing rest.

I am filled with peace.

I am deserving of restful sleep.

I am letting go of worry.

I am grateful for this day’s end.

I am sinking into comfort.

I am surrounded by stillness.

I am in harmony with the night.

I am going to wake up refreshed.

MORE: Full Moon Energy-Boosting Affirmations

Spiritual Affirmations For Anxiety

Spiritual Affirmations For Anxiety

I am connected to the universe.

I am part of something greater.

I am guided by a higher power.

I am trusting my journey.

I am embracing my spiritual path.

I am filled with divine peace.

I am in alignment with my true self.

I am open to spiritual guidance.

I am loving and being loved.

I am experiencing spiritual growth.

MORE: Daily Uplifting Positive Affirmations

Affirmations For Relationship Anxiety

Affirmations For Relationship Anxiety

I am deserving of love.

I am secure in my relationships.

I am trusting the process of love.

I am building healthy connections.

I am building healthy connections.

I am worthy of trust and commitment.

I am fostering understanding and patience.

I am fostering understanding and patience.

I am fostering understanding and patience.

I am in a loving partnership.

MORE: Crown Chakra Empowerment Affirmations

Panic Attack Affirmations For Anxiety

Panic Attack Affirmations For Anxiety

I am overcoming this moment.

I am breathing slowly and deeply.

I am safe here and now.

I am letting go of fear.

I am grounding myself.

I am in control of my breath.

I am reducing my stress.

I am calming my mind.

I am strong in the face of panic.

I am returning to peace.

MORE: Strengthening Relationship Affirmations

Grounding Affirmations For Anxiety

Grounding Affirmations For Anxiety

I am connected to the earth.

I am present in this moment.

I am rooted in reality.

I am focusing on the now.

I am stable and grounded.

I am centered in my being.

I am mindful of my surroundings.

I am here in the physical world.

I am anchoring myself with breath.

I am calm and collected.

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Positive Affirmations For Health Anxiety

Positive Affirmations For Health Anxiety

I am trusting my body.

I am healthy and strong.

I am nurturing my well-being.

I am grateful for my health.

I am listening to my body with love.

I am choosing to focus on wellness.

I am resilient in my health journey.

I am supported by those who care.

I am making healthy choices.

I am at peace with my health.

MORE: Inspiring Positive Affirmations for Teens

Affirmations For Anxiety And Loneliness

Affirmations For Anxiety And Loneliness

I am connected to others in meaningful ways.

I am never truly alone.

I am surrounded by love, even when I don’t see it.

I am capable of creating lasting friendships.

I am worthy of companionship and love.

I am finding comfort within myself.

I am open to new relationships.

I am valued and appreciated.

I am embracing solitude as a path to self-discovery.

I am attracting positive, loving energy.

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Affirmations For New Job Anxiety

Affirmations For New Job Anxiety

I am embracing this new opportunity.

I am capable of learning and adapting.

I am excited for this new challenge.

I am bringing value to my new role.

I am welcomed by my colleagues.

I am confident in my skills and talents.

I am growing professionally.

I am contributing to my workplace.

I am achieving success in my new job.

I am building a rewarding career.

MORE: Soothing Sleep Affirmations

Affirmations For Kids With Anxiety

Affirmations For Kids With Anxiety

I am brave.

I am loved just as I am.

I am having fun learning new things.

I am proud of myself.

I am able to ask for help when I need it.

I am kind to myself and others.

I am getting stronger every day.

I am filled with joy and curiosity.

MORE: Affirmations For Women

Affirmations For Surgery Anxiety

Affirmations For Surgery Anxiety

I am in good hands.

I am trusting the process.

I am focusing on a smooth recovery.

I am strong and resilient.

I am surrounded by support and care.

I am healing with every breath.

I am capable of healing.

I am protected.

I am at peace with my decision.

I am letting go of fear.

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Positive Affirmations For Driving Anxiety

Positive Affirmations For Driving Anxiety

I am calm while driving.

I am in control of the vehicle.

I am confident in my driving skills.

I am safe and secure on the road.

I am navigating the roads with ease.

I am prepared for any situation on the road.

I am growing more confident.

I am at peace behind the wheel.

I am surrounded by a protective energy when I drive.

I am a responsible and attentive driver.

MORE: Affirmations for Abundance